Browse our library to find our special reports to Parliament, research reports, and Parliamentary and other submissions. Search by keywords, title, topic and report type.
Reports to Parliament
This report is about people who live in mental health facilities beyond the point at which they need to be there; and the multiple barriers that prevent them from leaving.
Annual reports
This is my office’s first annual report under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994. The report outlines the work we have done since significant changes to the Act commenced in 2011 and we began our additional oversight roles of promoting public awareness and understanding of the objects of the A
Reports to Parliament
Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) (SD Act) began operation on 1 August 2008 and repealed the Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW) (LD Act). The SD Act allows for the use of surveillance devices to investigate crime and to enable evidence to be obtained of the commission of such crime or the identity o
Annual reports
Under section 6A of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 the Ombudsman as chairperson of the Steering Committee is required to prepare a report of the Committee's activities and any recommendations made to the Premier annually.
Reports to Parliament
This is the second comprehensive investigation the office has undertaken into the use of Taser weapons by the New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF). The first investigation was done at a time when Tasers were only used by police officers within specialist units of the NSWPF.
Other submissions
In October 2012, the Ombudsman provided a response to the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s consultation paper Funding NGO delivery of human services in NSW: A period of transition. The submission addresses issues around probity and accountability, and represents our position on place-base
Office Annual Reports
Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2011-2012. It provides the community with an opportunity to find out what we have achieved and the way we have achieved it.
Annual reports
This report concerns 581 children whose deaths were registered in NSW in 2011.
Reports to Parliament
This report concerns how using force on inmates in correctional centres in NSW is managed. My office has done considerable work in this area over the last few years. I have decided to make a public report of our findings and concerns for a number of reasons.
Reports to Parliament
This report is the result of an extensive investigation by my office into how the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) manages hazardous building materials, particularly asbestos and lead based paint, in its premises.
Research reports
This report considers issues associated with the measurement of socioeconomic status – in general and in relation to the specific approaches used by, and available to, the CDRT.
Research reports
An occasional series to highlight issues and prevention strategies arising from reviews of the deaths of children in NSW.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.
Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.