Browse our library to find our special reports to Parliament, research reports, and Parliamentary and other submissions. Search by keywords, title, topic and report type.
Annual reports
This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2006. It documents our review of the deaths of 98 people with disabilities in care.
Office Annual Reports
Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2006-2007. It provides the community with an opportunity to find out what we have achieved and the way we have achieved it.
Reports to Parliament
The Part 6A emergency powers to prevent or control public disorder were enacted in direct response to mob violence that occurred at Cronulla, Sydney on 11 December 2005 and the reprisal attacks in Sydney's southern and eastern suburbs in the days that followed. The unexpected intensity of the violen
Reports to Parliament
The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (LEPRA) commenced on 1 December 2005. To date, it represents the most extensive codification and consolidation of the criminal law enforcement powers most commonly used by police in New South Wales (NSW). Section 242 of LEPRA requires the Om
Reports to Parliament
The Ombudsman is required to keep under scrutiny the exercise of preventative detention and covert search powers. This paper outlines some of the issues that have arisen to date, and invites submissions.
Reports to Parliament
This report, Domestic violence — improving police practice, focuses on three critical areas: enhanced support for victims of domestic violence; better cooperation between NSW Police and other agencies with key responsibilities, especially the Department of Community Services and local courts; and mo
Reports to Parliament
The Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2001 was introduced as one part of a package targeting gang-related crime. The Act amends various laws relating to sentencing, bail and sentence administration (parole, leave and home detention). The main objective of the
Reports into the deaths of children
This is volume 2 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2005. It documents our review of the deaths of 117 children.
Annual reports
This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2005. It documents our review of the deaths of 67 people with disabilities in care.
Reports to Parliament
This paper reviews the eleven legislative proposals that have dealt with the management of public sector whistleblowing in Australia since 1993, including the nine Acts now in force and two current proposals.
Office Annual Reports
Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2005-2006. It provides the community with an opportunity to find out what we have achieved and the way we have achieved it.
Reports to Parliament
The power to use drug detection dogs to aid police officers in the detection of drug offences, particularly drug supply, was clarified and expanded by the Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 ('the Drug Dogs Act'), which commenced on 22 February 2002. The Drug Dogs Act required the Ombudsman
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.
Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.