Public Interest Disclosures

The  Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) applies to all NSW public sector agencies. It provides a framework for public officials to report serious wrongdoing in the public sector, and to be protected when they do so.

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The NSW Ombudsman is an integrity agency under the PID Act.  We can receive PIDs about any type of serious wrongdoing. We can investigate reports of serious maladministration. If we receive reports of other types of serious wrongdoing that we cannot deal with ourselves, we will refer it to the most relevant agency to deal with it. In many cases we will refer it to the relevant integrity agency.

If you would like to report serious wrongdoing to our office, please read our PID Policy before making your report.

Make a report of serious wrongdoing

We are also the lead oversight agency for the PID Act. Under the PID Act our functions include providing information, advice and assistance to agencies and public officials on matters relating to the PID Act; to audit and monitor how agencies exercise their functions under the PID Act; publish guidelines and other materials and promote public awareness of the PID Act.

For that purpose, we have developed resources to help agencies and public officials. View our model PID policy, guidelines on a range of key issues under the PID Act, learning modules and other awareness materials below.

PID guidelines for agencies

These guidelines are designed to help agencies and their staff handle public interest disclosures under the PID Act.

PID Awareness

Every public official needs to know about the PID Act, how to report serious wrongdoing and what will happen when they do.

What is a public interest disclosure?

Overview of the PID Act, the types of PIDs under the Act and how a PID can be made.

PID Act 2022 for Aboriginal Land Councils

This page contains information to assist the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) and Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) to understand the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act).

Information for managers about whistleblower support

If someone you manage makes a disclosure to you about serious wrongdoing, your role is to forward that report to a disclosure officer in your agency. Your agency should have a Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Policy which sets out the relevant procedures.

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.