We produce a variety of resources to assist organisations with complaint handling and improving public administration. Browse our resources below.
This guideline explains core concepts in the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act). These core concepts will assist in understanding the terms that are frequently used throughout the PID Act.
This is an edited version of a presentation given at the 13th National Investigations Symposium, 25 May 2023, Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney.
In Focus
In this edition of In Focus, we look at some ways the social media conduct of agencies and individual public servants could lead to concerns about possible misconduct or maladministration.
Fact sheet
This fact sheet tells you about the NSW Ombudsman. It sets out our vision and strategic outcomes. It also explains how we achieve those outcomes through our statutory functions, including complaint handling, investigations and monitoring. Finally, it highlights how we support those functions.
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of who we are and our work. It explains how we support Parliament in the exercise of its functions. The fact sheet sets out how we can help MPS, the process for making a complaint from you or your constituents, and how we will respond to them.
This is a consent form for a Member of Parliament to lodge a complaint to the NSW Ombudsman.
In Focus
As the March 2023 election approaches, it is timely to consider how the context of an election year can give rise to different or heightened risks of ‘maladministration’ by NSW government agencies and their staff.
Case studies
This special report contains a summary of formal investigations completed by the NSW Ombudsman in the last 12 months.
The model policy has been developed to clarify the Ombudsman policy recommendations in relation to the management of UCC.
Address to the NSW Ombudsman's Office, 29 June 2022
The new machinery of government - using machine technology in administrative decision-making report describes the increasing use of machine technologies in government decision-making processes. In NSW, agencies are known to be using machine technologies in the areas of fines enforcement, policing, child protection and driver licence suspensions.
This is a plain English brochure that provides information to help if you have a problem with a NSW Government service or community service.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.
Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.