Browse our library to find our special reports to Parliament, research reports, and Parliamentary and other submissions. Search by keywords, title, topic and report type.
Annual reports
This report concerns 485 children whose deaths were registered in NSW in 2014. The rate of child deaths in 2014 – 28.41 deaths per 100,000 children – is the second lowest annual report since 2000, and continues the significant decline in infant and child mortality rates over the last 15 years.
Office Annual Reports
Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2014-2015. It provides the community with an opportunity to find out what we have achieved and the way we have achieved it.
Reports to Parliament
This report is an initial independent review of the networks, initiatives and activities that contribute to efforts in NSW to prevent childhood injury and illness.
Reports to Parliament
The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) allows for the use of surveillance devices to investigate crime and to enable evidence to be obtained of the commission of such crime or the identity or location of the offender(s). The NSW Ombudsman is required by the Act to conduct inspections of the surveil
Other submissions
Submission in response to Issues Paper 9 about addressing the risk of child sexual abuse in primary and secondary schools.
Research reports
The following information is drawn from the NSW register of child deaths. The register is maintained by the NSW Child Death Review Team. The sources of the information are primarily police and Coronial records, including briefs of evidence.
Parliamentary submissions
NSW Ombudsman submission to the Inquiry into service coordination in communities with high social needs by the Standing Committee on Social Issues.
Reports to Parliament
The Ombudsman is required to review the use of additional search powers and new offence provisions in the Restricted Premises Act 1943 until 31 October 2015. On 1 November 2013, changes to the Restricted Premises Act, intended to help target gun crime and premises used by serious criminals, enter
Other submissions
Supplementary submission to the Review of the Police Oversight in NSW.
Reports to Parliament
We are currently scrutinising police use of new search without warrant powers and are calling from submissions from the public. In November 2013, amendments made to the Firearms Act 1996 provided police in New South Wales with new search powers to enforce a Firearms Prohibition Order (FPO). The new
Annual reports
The Official Community Visitor annual report is a public record of the official community visitor scheme for the financial year 2013-2014. The report outlines the role of the visitors, their work, statistical information and financial reports.
Other submissions
This submission to the Review of Police Oversight in NSW responds to the requirement that the review should provide advice about ‘options for a single civilian oversight model for police in NSW’. We examine the principles underpinning the current model and how it works in practice, and recommend tha
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.
Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.