
Browse our library to find our special reports to Parliament, research reports, and Parliamentary and other submissions. Search by keywords, title, topic and report type.

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Displaying 253-264 of 378 results

Displaying 253-264 of 378 results
  1. Improving probity standards for funded organisations Special report to Parliament December 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    Each year an estimated 3,000 organisations receive almost $2 billion in funds and subsidies to deliver a range of community-based services on behalf of the NSW government. This report considers the adequacy of probity checking standards that government agencies have put in place for non-government o

  2. Inquiry into service provision to the Bourke and Brewarrina communities Special report to Parliament December 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    The over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the child protection and juvenile justice systems is of significant concern. This report examines the provision of community and child protection services in Bourke and Brewarrina, in particular, the adequacy of the response to vulne

  3. Responding to the asbestos problem - The need for significant reform in NSW

    Reports to Parliament

    Exposure to asbestos can be deadly. Asbestos is in houses, schools, hospitals, factories and commercial buildings. It is not possible to identify how many buildings in NSW contain asbestos. This report details the Ombudsman concerns about public safety and the way asbestos is dealt with in NSW. The

  4. Unresolved issues in the transfer of the NSW Child Death Review Team to the Office of the NSW Ombudsman Special report to Parliament November 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    In April 2009, the NSW Parliament passed legislation that would transfer responsibility for the NSW Child Death Review Team from the Commission for Children and Young People to the NSW Ombudsman. This report details the issues that have arisen in implementing this decision of Parliament, and the dif

  5. Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act Annual Report 2009-10

    Annual reports

    Under s.23(1) of the Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997, the Ombudsman is required to prepare a report of the work and activities under this Act for the twelve months preceding 30 June each year.

  6. NSW Ombudsman Annual Report 2009-10

    Office Annual Reports

    Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2009-2010. It provides the community with an opportunity to find out what we have achieved and the way we have achieved it.

  7. Report under Section 49(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 for the 6 months ending 30 June 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) (SD Act) began operation on 1 August 2008 and repealed the Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW) (LD Act). The SD Act allows for the use of surveillance devices to investigate crime and to enable evidence to be obtained of the commission of such crime or the identi

  8. A preliminary investigation of neonatal SUDI in NSW 1996-08: opportunities for prevention

    Reports to Parliament

    The NSW Child Death Review Team (the Team) was established under Part 7A of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 (the Act). The purpose of the Child Death Review Team is to help prevent or reduce the number of deaths in NSW of children and young people aged 0-17 years.

  9. Improving service delivery to Aboriginal people with a disability Special report to Parliament September 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    This report presents the findings of our review of the implementation of Ageing, Disability and Home Care's Aboriginal Policy Framework and Aboriginal consultation Strategy, released in 2005 to guide ADHC's staff to improve service delivery to Aboriginal people. Our review has identified a number of

  10. Inquiry into services provided or funded by ADHC for children with disabilities Submission September 2010

    Other submissions

    Under the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993, the NSW Ombudsman played a key role in relation to people with disabilities. This included handling and investigating complaints about disability services; inquiring into major issues affecting people with disabilities and di

  11. Inquiry into services provided or funded by ADHC Submission August 2010

    Parliamentary submissions

    Under the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993, the NSW Ombudsman played a key role in relation to people with disabilities. This included handling and investigating complaints about disability services; inquiring into major issues affecting people with disabilities and di

  12. People with disabilities and the closure of residential centres Special report to Parliament August 2010

    Reports to Parliament

    This report is about our work in examining the support for people with disabilities living in ADHC residential centres. Our engagement with the community on this issue has reinforced the importance of providing people with disabilities and their families with a broad range of accommodation and suppo

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.