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Displaying 85-96 of 378 results

Displaying 85-96 of 378 results
  1. Official Community Visitors Annual Report 2017-18

    Annual reports

    The Official Community Visitors annual report is a public record of the official community visitors scheme for the financial year 2017-18. The report outlines the role of the visitors, their work, statistical information and financial reports.

  2. Abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults in NSW – the need for action – 2 November 2018

    Reports to Parliament

    This report demonstrates the need for a comprehensive safeguarding approach in NSW for vulnerable adults living in the community – including an effective response to the abuse and neglect of both vulnerable adults with disability and older people. The Ombudsman has called on the NSW Government to im

  3. NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2017-18

    Annual reports

    This annual report describes the operations of the NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT) during 2017 – 18. The report has been prepared pursuant to section 34F of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993.

  4. NSW Ombudsman Annual Report 2017-18

    Office Annual Reports

    Our annual report is a public record of our work for the financial year 2017-18. This report provides information on the activities, achievements and performance of the NSW Ombudsman for the 2017–18 financial year.

  5. The JIRT Partnership - 20 years on

    Reports to Parliament

    A special report to Parliament under section 31 of the Ombudsman Act 1974.

  6. Responses to inquiry into Parklea Correctional Centre and other operational issues Oct 2018

    Parliamentary submissions

    These are the responses from NSW Ombudsman to questions on notice from Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Legal Affairs: Inquiry into Parklea Correctional Centre and other operational issues.

  7. Complaint handling improvement program - Commitments Report

    Reports to Parliament

    This report is about the implementation of the NSW Government’s Whole of Government Commitments to Effective Complaint Handling (the Commitments), which form part of the Complaint Handling Improvement Program (CHIP). The CHIP involved a collaboration between the NSW Ombudsman, the office of the Cust

  8. Report of reviewable deaths of people in 2014-2017: Deaths of people with disability in residential care

    Annual reports

    This report is about the deaths in 2014-2017 of 494 people with disability who lived in residential care. The report identifies a range of actions by disability providers and health services that are required to reduce preventable deaths.

  9. Water: compliance and enforcement - a special report to parliament

    Reports to Parliament

    This report focuses on problems which arose during the transfer of some water regulation and enforcement functions from the Department of Primary Industries Water to a state owned corporation, WaterNSW – a process referred to as the Transformation.

  10. More than shelter – addressing legal and policy gaps in supporting homeless children

    Reports to Parliament

    This report draws attention to critical legal, policy and service gaps in the response to homeless children. In 2016-17, just over 5,000 unaccompanied children and young people aged 12-18 presented to a homelessness service to access support and a place to stay. More than one third of these children

  11. Is your builder fit and proper - the weaknesses of the home building licensing scheme in NSW

    Reports to Parliament

    This report makes a range of recommendations, including making changes to the public register; improving intelligence sharing to assist Fair Trading’s licence assessment processes; and making changes to internal guidance for staff.

  12. Spatial analysis of child deaths in New South Wales

    Reports to Parliament

    The NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT) works to prevent and reduce the deaths of children aged from birth to 17 years. To do this, we maintain a register of child deaths occurring in NSW and analyse information about these deaths to identify any patterns or trends.

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.