All reports to parliament

Displaying 133-144 of 251 results

Displaying 133-144 of 251 results
  1. NSW Child Death Review Team Annual report of child deaths registered in 2012

    Reports to Parliament

    This report concerns 493 children whose deaths were registered in NSW in 2012.  

  2. Review of Division 4, Part 3 of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002: face coverings and identification report August 2013

    Reports to Parliament

    In 2013 the Ombudsman completed a review of how police exercised new powers related to face coverings and identification (Division 4, Part 3 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002). Our final report concluded that police used the new power infrequently and, in general, appropr

  3. The continuing need to better support young people leaving care report August 2013

    Reports to Parliament

    Part 13 of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1998 empowers the Ombudsman to review the situation of a person, or group of people in care. This report details the observations, findings and recommendations arising from our review of a group of young people who left statutory care in 2011.

  4. Report under Section 49(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 for the 6 months ending 31 December 2012

    Reports to Parliament

    The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) (SD Act) began operation on 1 August 2008 and repealed the Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW) (LD Act). The SD Act allows for the use of surveillance devices to investigate crime and to enable evidence to be obtained of the commission of such crime or the identi

  5. Special report to Parliament: A level playing field? - HSC Disability Provisions

    Reports to Parliament

    This report outlines the Ombudsman’s findings and recommendations following a review of the system for making HSC disability provisions applications. The report follows an investigation involving the Department of Education and Communities and the Board of Studies.

  6. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2010 and 2011 Volume 2: Deaths of people with disability in care

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 2 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2010 and 2011. It documents our review of the deaths of 220 people with disabilities in care. The Ombudsman is required to review these deaths under Part 6 of the Community Services (Complaints Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993.

  7. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2010 and 2011 Volume 1: Child Deaths

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2010 and 2011. It documents our review of the deaths of 77 children. The Ombudsman is required to review these deaths because they occurred as a result of abuse or neglect or in suspicious circumstances, or while the children were in care.

  8. Official Community Visitors Annual Report 2011-12

    Reports to Parliament

    The Official Community Visitor annual report is a public record of the official community visitor scheme for the financial year 2011-2012. The report outlines the role of the visitors, their work, statistical information and financial reports.

  9. Ombudsman monitoring of the police investigation into the death of Roberto Laudisio-Curti Special Report to Parliament February 2013

    Reports to Parliament

    On 18 March 2012, Mr Roberto Laudisio-Curti died after being pursued and restrained by up to eleven NSW police officers. The NSW Police conducted an investigation into the matter, which the Ombudsman monitored. This report details how police investigated the death of Mr Roberto Laudisio-Curti in the

  10. Responding to child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities report January 2013

    Reports to Parliament

    This report is the fourth in a series our office has completed over the past three years in connection with our audit of the implementation of the Interagency Plan To Tackle Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities. Each report has focused on the need to significantly improve the quality and e

  11. Removal of face coverings for identification Issues paper (also available in Arabic) December 2012

    Reports to Parliament

    In 2013 the Ombudsman completed a review of how police exercised new powers related to face coverings and identification (Division 4, Part 3 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002). Our final report was tabled in Parliament in 2013.

  12. Move on powers intoxicated and disorderly Issues paper December 2012

    Reports to Parliament

    In 2014 the Ombudsman completed a review of the operation of the offence of continuing to be intoxicated and disorderly in public (section 9 of the Summary Offences Act 1988). Our final report was tabled in Parliament in 2014. During the review period we published an issues paper.

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.