All reports to parliament

Displaying 193-204 of 251 results

Displaying 193-204 of 251 results
  1. Community participation complaint handling - C&DS review June 2009

    Reports to Parliament

    The Ombudsman is the independent and impartial watchdog for people receiving community services in NSW. We promote the awareness of the rights and obligations of service receivers and service providers under community welfare legislation. In part we do this by reviewing the complaint handling system

  2. Individual planning in DADHC large residential centres summary - C&DS report June 2009

    Reports to Parliament

    Residential centres, formerly known as 'institutions', accommodate people with disabilities in congregate settings. Small residential centres accommodate between seven and 20 people on the one site, while large residential centres house more than 20 people on site. Almost three-quarters (70) of the

  3. Individual planning in DADHC large residential centres - C&DS review June 2009

    Reports to Parliament

    Residential centres, formerly known as 'institutions', accommodate people with disabilities in congregate settings. Small residential centres accommodate between seven and 20 people on the one site, while large residential centres house more than 20 people on site.

  4. Report under Section 49(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 for the 6 months ending December 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) ('the Act') began operation on 1 August 2008 and repealed the Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW). The Act allows for the use of surveillance devices to investigate crime and to enable evidence to be obtained of the commission of such crime or the identity or loc

  5. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2007 Volume 2: Child deaths

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 2 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2007. It documents our review of the deaths of 162 children.

  6. Official Community Visitors Annual Report 2007-08

    Reports to Parliament

    The Official Community Visitor annual report is a public record of the official community visitor scheme for the financial year 2007-2008. The report outlines the role of the visitors, their work, statistical information and financial reports.

  7. Opening up government - Review of the Freedom of Information Act 1989

    Reports to Parliament

    This report details our comprehensive review of the FOI Act 1989, and provides a blueprint for accessing government information in the future. The Ombudsman's recommendations are built around three key elements: a greater level of proactive disclosure of information; the drafting of a new, clearly w

  8. Group of children aged 10 to 14 in out-of-home care and under the parental responsibility of the Minister for Community Services - C&DS review January 2009

    Reports to Parliament

    Under section 13 of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 (CS-CRAMA), the Ombudsman may review the circumstances of a child or group of children in care. In carrying out such a review, we look at the welfare, progress and circumstances of the children the subject of re

  9. The use of Taser weapons by NSW Police Force Special Report to Parliament November 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    The purpose of this report is to bring to the attention of Parliament and the community the findings of a recent investigation into the use of Taser weapons by members of the New South Wales Police Force. This report comprehensively deals with these issues and makes 29 recommendations to improve the

  10. Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act Annual Report 2007-08

    Reports to Parliament

    The Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act Annual Report sets out a range of particulars about the authorities granted by the law enforcement agencies.

  11. Parts 2A and 3 of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 Preventative Detention and Covert Search Warrants Review – First Report September 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    The Ombudsman is required to keep under scrutiny the exercise of preventative detention and covert search powers, and report every three years. This is the first report of the office and covers the period September 2005 until September 2007.

  12. Police Powers (Drug Detection Trial) Act 2003 Review August 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    The Police Powers(Drug Detection Trial) Act 2003 aimed to equip police with additional powers to tackle the vehicular trafficking of indictable quantities of drugs by allowing police to randomly stop and screen vehicles with drug detection dogs in areas where there is intelligence and evidence sugge

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.