All reports to parliament

Displaying 205-216 of 251 results

Displaying 205-216 of 251 results
  1. Supporting the carers of Aboriginal children report June 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    In New South Wales, close to 13,000 children and young people live in formally recognised out-of-home care arrangements. Most live with extended family or other individuals who, with the support of the Minister and the Director-General of Community Services, take on the responsibility for providing

  2. Supporting people with an intellectual disability in the criminal justice system progress report June 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    Research and inquiries over many years have indicated that people with an intellectual disability are significantly over represented as offenders in all aspects of the criminal justice system. In 2002, a cross-government Senior Officers Group (SOG) was formed to bring about better outcomes for peopl

  3. Family Support Services Complaint Handling - C&DS review April 2008

    Reports to Parliament

    This is a report made under section 14 of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993. It details observations and recommendations arising from our review of the complaint handling practices of a sample of family support services.

  4. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2007 Volume 1: Deaths of people with disabilities

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2007. It documents our review of the deaths of 98 people with disabilities in care.

  5. Complaint handling systems survey reports

    Reports to Parliament

    In the period June to August 2007 the NSW Ombudsman conducted a survey of complaint handling systems across all NSW government departments and public authorities, including local councils. This is the report of the results from government departments and public authorities.

  6. Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act Annual Report 2006-07

    Reports to Parliament

    The Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act Annual Report sets out a range of particulars about the authorities granted by the law enforcement agencies.

  7. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2006 Volume 2: Child Deaths

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 2 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2006. It documents our review of the deaths of 123 children.

  8. Situation of children younger than five in out-of-home care and under the parental responsibility of the Minister for Community Services - C&DS report November 2007

    Reports to Parliament

    Under section 13 of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 (CS-CRAMA), the Ombudsman may review the situation of a child or a group of children in care. In carrying out such a review, we look at the welfare, status, progress and circumstances of the children the subject

  9. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2006 Volume 1: Deaths of people with disabilities

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2006. It documents our review of the deaths of 98 people with disabilities in care.

  10. Emergency Powers to Prevent or Control Disorder Review September 2007

    Reports to Parliament

    The Part 6A emergency powers to prevent or control public disorder were enacted in direct response to mob violence that occurred at Cronulla, Sydney on 11 December 2005 and the reprisal attacks in Sydney's southern and eastern suburbs in the days that followed. The unexpected intensity of the violen

  11. Certain Functions Conferred on Police Under the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 Personal Searches Crimes Scenes Notices to Produce - Issues paper June 2007

    Reports to Parliament

    The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (LEPRA) commenced on 1 December 2005. To date, it represents the most extensive codification and consolidation of the criminal law enforcement powers most commonly used by police in New South Wales (NSW). Section 242 of LEPRA requires the Om

  12. Parts 2A and 3 of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 Preventative Detention and Covert Search Warrants Review - Issues Paper April 2007

    Reports to Parliament

    The Ombudsman is required to keep under scrutiny the exercise of preventative detention and covert search powers. This paper outlines some of the issues that have arisen to date, and invites submissions.

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.