All reports to parliament

Displaying 217-228 of 251 results

Displaying 217-228 of 251 results
  1. Domestic violence: improving police practice Special Report to Parliament December 2006

    Reports to Parliament

    This report, Domestic violence — improving police practice, focuses on three critical areas: enhanced support for victims of domestic violence; better cooperation between NSW Police and other agencies with key responsibilities, especially the Department of Community Services and local courts; and mo

  2. Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2002 Review - December 2006

    Reports to Parliament

    The Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2001 was introduced as one part of a package targeting gang-related crime. The Act amends various laws relating to sentencing, bail and sentence administration (parole, leave and home detention). The main objective of the

  3. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2005 Volume 2: Child Deaths

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 2 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2005. It documents our review of the deaths of 117 children.

  4. Report of Reviewable Deaths in 2005 Volume 1: Deaths of people with disability in care

    Reports to Parliament

    This is volume 1 of our annual report on reviewable deaths in 2005. It documents our review of the deaths of 67 people with disabilities in care.

  5. Public Interest Disclosure Legislation in Australia - Towards the Next Generation

    Reports to Parliament

    This paper reviews the eleven legislative proposals that have dealt with the management of public sector whistleblowing in Australia since 1993, including the nine Acts now in force and two current proposals.

  6. Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 Review October 2006

    Reports to Parliament

    The power to use drug detection dogs to aid police officers in the detection of drug offences, particularly drug supply, was clarified and expanded by the Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 ('the Drug Dogs Act'), which commenced on 22 February 2002. The Drug Dogs Act required the Ombudsman

  7. Misconduct at the Police College Special Report to Parliament August 2006

    Reports to Parliament

    In 2002, NSW Police conducted a large scale investigation into a complaint about instructors forming sexual or other close personal relationships with students at the NSW Police College. Some of the instructors were full time employees at the college, while others were seconded to the college from p

  8. Official Community Visitors Annual Report 2004-05

    Reports to Parliament

    The Official Community Visitor annual report is a public record of the official community visitor scheme for the financial year 2004-2005. The report outlines the role of the visitors, their work, statistical information and financial reports.

  9. Firearm and Explosive Detection Dogs: Review of the Firearms Amendment (Public Safety) Act 2002 April 2006

    Reports to Parliament

    The Firearms Amendment (Public Safety) Act 2002 commenced on 15 July 2002. Among other things, it inserted Part 6A into the Firearms Act 1996 (the Firearms Act). Part 6A authorises police to use firearm and explosive detection dogs (FED dogs) in public places and in the normal course of police work.

  10. Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act 2002 and the Summary Review December 2005

    Reports to Parliament

    This paper invites comments on a number of questions in relation to the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act 2002 and the Summary Offences Amendment (Places of Detention) Act 2002, both commenced on 21 February 2003. However, you are welcome to write about any aspects of the legislatio

  11. Children (Criminal Proceedings) Amendment (Adult Detainees) Act Review November 2005

    Reports to Parliament

    The Children (Criminal Proceedings) Amendment (Adult Detainees) Act 2001 (the Act) commenced on 25 January 2002. The objective of the Act was to limit the age to which young people can remain in juvenile custody. The Act provides that a juvenile offender convicted of a serious children's indictable

  12. Police Powers (Internally Concealed Drugs) Act 2001 Review July 2005

    Reports to Parliament

    This report discusses the reasons why the Police Powers (Internally Concealed Drugs) Act 2001 is not being used, and outlines a number of issues about internal searches which may be of concern should the legislation become fully operational. The report contains a number of recommendations including

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Journey Together artwork

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and to the children of today who are the Elders of the future.

Artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.